What medical equipment for nurses?


A nurse who wants to provide the right care to her patient must review their medical equipment. This must be reliable, of good quality and adapted to the different types of care that a nurse generally provides. Whether for an activity within a medical structure, as a liberal profession or for home care, there are essential instruments for the nursing profession.

Basic medical equipment for a liberal nurse

The medical nursing equipment essential to a nurse is more or less substantial, because she needs to be well equipped, especially for a visit to her patients. The quality of its care and the well-being of its patients depend on it.

Generally, the list of equipment necessary to properly care for a patient is indicated during nurse training. However, everyone is free to complete their list according to the nature of the care most often provided. Thus, it is necessary:

  • accessories to transport your equipment: a medical case, a bag, a sterile box, a kit, a BAA box, etc.
  • instruments for preparing treatment: hydroalcoholic gel, gloves, antiseptic, dressings, lubricating gel, cotton, strips, adhesive strips, bottles, a spirometer, tourniquets, etc.
  • equipment for care: needles, syringes, tongue depressors, razors, forceps, scalpels, infusions, ablation equipment, equipment to diagnose and measure (stethoscope, thermometer, pulse oximeter, glucometer, etc.) )

This equipment is the same for all caregivers. However, it is possible to expand the list according to individual needs.

nursing equipment

Essential equipment for a nursing office

For a nurse practicing her profession in a practice, there are other materials to have in addition to basic equipment. In addition to a healthy premises and basic furniture, you must also have:

  • enema bulbs
  • various plastic containers
  • ampoules or ampoule holders
  • identification bracelets
  • a prescription holder
  • comfortable furniture to accommodate patients: steps, examination couch, pedestal table, etc.
  • needle collectors
  • boxes specially designed for DASRI or waste from healthcare activities with infectious risks
  • a cabinet to store patient files
  • a scale
  • a meter
  • a cabinet to organize and store certain medications
  • colored pens
  • a nurse’s watch
  • etc

The use of a vital card reader is also useful depending on the patient profile. This technology facilitates the management of all care sheets and makes it possible to offer better quality service to its patients. Copies of care sheets in paper copies still remain practical in the event of a breakdown in the remote transmission software.

In addition to the equipment, it must also be remembered that the premises of a nursing office must comply with the regulations of the Public Health Code. In other words, its layout must be adapted to people with reduced mobility and it must be easy to access. The premises must also be located in a peaceful place conducive to the recovery of patients.