Everything you need to know about hair transplantation


To combat hair loss, even if it starts early, there are simple solutions you can use to find and care for your hair. The principle of hair transplantation or implantation is simple: hair is removed from the rear crown area, where it never falls, then re-implanted forward in the forehead and tonsure region.

Hair transplant or hair implant: a lucrative activity

With technological advancements, hair transplant prices have dropped significantly. A democratization of the prices of aesthetic medicine against baldness, which has made hair transplantation the most common cosmetic surgery procedure performed by men. However, despite the drop in hair transplant prices in the EU, many bald patients still choose clinics in the Maghreb or Turkey.

These countries are known for their affordable prices. If you choose this type of objective, you must inevitably do without post-operative follow-up. However, the prices are unbeatable. 

Visit a clinic for a hair transplant

Therefore, it is difficult to find your way in this jungle. It’s not easy to find the right person to talk to. Especially because hair transplant work can be carried out by a dermatologist, a general practitioner or a beautician. To complicate matters, know that aesthetic medicine does not require a diploma.

One solution is to seek advice from your doctor. As surprising as it may seem to his hairdresser. As long as he’s not in cahoots with a clinic, to act as a tout. However, the clinics offer to provide a hair implant quote during the first consultation. Mini hair transplants, necessary when you lose your hair during postpartum , are also based on the same conce